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Saturday, July 4, 2009




hahaha no more long url to type!!!
everything same except the link!

11:58 PM

i am feeling sad :(
and confused. i don't dare to do anything. afraid there will be regrets.
why did it come again.
will it go soon.
why is it that i don't even know what i am thinking.
i thought i should be the one who understands myself the most
or at least know what i want.
maybe I'm just thinking too much.

4:15 PM
Friday, July 3, 2009

received a phone call just now.
we won the clean and clear competition!! :)
thanks to every single one of you who had voted for us!
really THANKS!
the next filming will be on monday at sentosa.
rush rush rush!


4:07 PM
Thursday, July 2, 2009

tada! all the pictures are from karen's blog.
i was planning to blog about it already but this dumb blog has a dumb problem.
so i shall blog about the filiming and everything some other time (sorry, next time then i tag you on FB k?)
when our new blog is up!
yay! finally changing link :)
byebye chillidonutpanadolonion.
soon. not yet.

3:36 PM

leo, nick. mich and ly!
we played circle of death around 1pm.
we are crazy people!
a lot of ugly photos below.
actually there's even more but shall upload it next time!

compare the colour of our faces! when mich drinks her face will turn red and ly will turn white!
we are singaporeeeee, singaporeans...

we went over at leo's house at 10am! and slacked all the way.
stayed over at leo's house for the night. yay! our slumber party.
can't get to sleep. we kept laughing and talking.
i can't find the torchlight! hahaha.
woke up around 1plus and we went to eat chicken rice and we got nothing to do again till 630pm.
guan yu came later on and we went kallang to be packers!
robots robots. slashed boxes. throw up high!
we worked till 12am near 1! and so uncle robert drove us home :)
uncle robert gave us bread and drinks
and now we are going on strike.
uh oh

12:11 PM
Monday, June 29, 2009

went to leo's house yesterday! played poker!
with leo, nick, guan yu, zhi wei and shun li.
leo the thinker!


dummy leo. kept blocking our faces! haha so funny only can see our foreheads!

leo's fatty finger
and we went to leo's house today again!
before that we went shopping at far east and bugis.
spent around 70bucks each. good buys!
we each bought a blazer too.

and tml we are going to leo's house again!!
and the next day
and the next next next.
hahaha WE ARE F-A-M-I-L-Y.
remember to stock up on food and drinks please :)
okay i'm done with my rubbish.

10:07 PM
Friday, June 26, 2009

hahahhaa was working from monday all the way to thursday! work was fun, tiring, stressful and all! we were supposed to work eleven hours a day but actually we really worked 4-5 hours only. rest of the time were munching on biscuits, sleeping, talking and of course MAKING VIDEOS laughing very loudly and playing. tiger biscuits, cream crackers. milo, hot chocolate. whoo hoo!
and our lunch was BUFFET!! FOR THREE DAYS STRAIGHT. and dinner buffet on monday night. niceeeeee. was really excited when i saw the food. i feel like shoutinggggg! HAHA..
made a lot of friends. everyone was really nice and fun haha.. :)
yu ren. vincent. wai yee. pin yi. haha..
and shiya!!!!!!!!!! we saw your class people!! :)
yi xuan! and we played zhong(zong) ji mi ma with him. we bullied him and forced him to eat 3 chilli crabs siew mai look alike. hahaha..
there's still A LOT A LOT of photos. shall post it up next time!

our 6 people gang :)

and my hair was very very messy for the 3 days! till sx helped me tie scorpion :)
and it became neat!
sx, two people asked me after that who did my hair for me? haha they don't want to believe that i tie it on my own. sad!
we made a lot a lot of videos too!
L4D characters! m1 advert!
i love it! whoo whoo!

and i watched transformers today! it was nice. initially i thought it was just a whole lot of metals with red eyes talking and fighting. but there's more to it :)
okay byebye all!

9:43 PM
that's us.

Even though the tides may fall. Even though the grass will wilt. Even though we will die. we will always be friends forever.. tan li ying AND michelle cheng

talk about our days.

our loves.

zhi wei
shi xuan
alice chua
norin chua
wee teng
liang hao
lee kiang
liu jun
pin yi
jun khiang
yu xi

our stories.

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

life is all about music.


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