Wednesday, April 29, 2009 says:okay btw... u interested in joining a band?
!!!!!!!!TLY TLY!!!!!!!! painpainpain says:haha what band??!!
singin? says:with shuyun kenny jeff me n others
!!!!!!!!TLY TLY!!!!!!!! painpainpain says:sing?? says:
yea lah lol
but join as guitarist or smth else..
!!!!!!!!TLY TLY!!!!!!!! painpainpain says:HAHA i duno how to play guitar
i only know recorder haha says:u wan tosing?
lol no need to know de haha
!!!!!!!!TLY TLY!!!!!!!! painpainpain says:
tosing is what?
the shake shake thing? says:kenny n jeff oso duno then i teach them 1 day they know le...
!!!!!!!!TLY TLY!!!!!!!! painpainpain says:i only know tou sa bing haha
HAHA isit the inside all seeds one? says:
wa seh
!!!!!!!!TLY TLY!!!!!!!! painpainpain says:OPPS HAHA TO SING U MEAN? sing song? says:
extreme digression haha
haa yea
!!!!!!!!TLY TLY!!!!!!!! painpainpain says:i really very dumb!!
i don't know what's the problem with me these few days
my brain seriously can't think! :(
the DSLR thing with gk
and the photoshop. si bei tan ban(what is that mich? u havn't tell me!)
and i pasted a stamp upside down
and send a letter on the wrong date

11:27 PM
hehehehhehehehe:)bathing in the dark sounds exciting????HAHAHAHAi feel loveeeeeee all around me now<3<4<5<33333
10:32 PM
zion. mich. tly. shiya.
we went to the thrift shop and found neither gold nor sliver :(
and we left a special souvenir on the shelf there. our sugarcane juice!
then we went to bugis.

we each bought a lip balm. there was the skittles flavour, M&ms, Snapple and many more.
the M&ms ones tasted funny @.@
shiya asked the sales assistant can she try the lip balm.
and she ate the lip balm instead of putting it on her lips.
HAHA i was damn shocked! and immediately turned to the sales assistant and said " she ate the lip balm!"
we spent a
verrrryyy lloooooonnnggg time choosing the flavour we want.
initially the smell of all the balms was quite nice but the more i smell the different flavours the giddier i feel! :( poisonous!!

cool right? instead of catching the soft toys/sweets it's ICE CREAM!!
zion and shiya tried to catch one
but failed.
cheater bug machine.

doreamon is hungry! he/she/it ate us! (just like shiya eating the lip balm. hahaha can't forget it!!)

i also cannnnnnnnn!

we are sun tanning while cleaning the floor at the same time.
a good deed a day chase all the bad luck away!

whoo hoo! mich, you see i am so strong!
:) i can lift you up within seconds

hahahaha! we also can!! so disgusting! mich blew smelly air onto my face!

the kpo audience!
we want hug hug too..
barneyyyyyyyy. where are you?

laugh laugh. i love to laugh

we were all lying down but i think zion is training her abs. haha! we don't have enough space on the floor!! squeasyyyy eaassssyyyyy peassssyyyy.

i just applied the lip smacker. feel like trying it again. and it still makes me giddy!!
haha btw i found 06! she was running in my mum's room in the middle of the night.
yipeee! naughty hamster. i shall stuff you with melon seeds!
i remember during sec 2, we were in the science lab. and mr nah told the class to gather in front of him. shiya took a tiny piece of paper and dropped it onto mr nah's head. (haha for what reason??) then ben told on shiya, i think. and mr nah made the whole class stand in the car park. SHIYA gave an explanation saying there's a housefly flying around his head and she wanted to catch it. and when she tried to catch it the paper accidentally drop onto his head. hilarious!! HAHAHAH!!
sorry shiya, i feel like laughing now.
everything seems funny to me!!
7:42 PM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
9:00 PM