Wednesday, September 17, 2008
so fast again so many days passed already.
tly now in my house now and she just came out of the toilet!after big business?(HAHA)
feeling very sianx now and dun feel like doing anything. maybe except eating and lying on my bed.but since tly is here, i shall not lie on my bed n sleep. later she steal my biscuits home!!
ahhh. today we never go school because we lazy. and i having earthquake in my stomach:<
waaa i want eat swensen eathquake!!
these few days, generally quite happy.
had mooncake to eat.
life of others like very unbearable too as i went blog hopping.
so everyone is actually very sad but they try to hide it. some sad some not. but surely got sad things to think about? feel like knowing everyone's dark secret. but then, i also wont share mine.
some people seems to think childishly. then again, i also think like that. so cannot anyhow comment people cos people also comment same thing to you.
i think i am quite lost. am very loser and scared.
and then i think i am lucky beacuse my family got no problems, on the friends side, maybe not that lucky since many friends long time never go out!my fault for not asking.
and my handphone bill is sky high. 20.6hrs of incoming calls(luckily free!) outgoiing call 5 hours plus.(need pay!) and my smses is 2576? haha every month i break record. mum blew up a little and then stopped. luckily i got unlimited smses to singtel users!
ok feel like ranting. very boring post again.
shall join tly study!!!!
You're confident and charming, which makes you able to keep your relationships fresh.
A true perfectionist, you give your all (and then some!) to your sweetie.
Honest, funny, and kind... you are the ideal lover for many.
Just don't let your jealousy get the best of you!
12:41 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
shit. wanted post pics and forget i cant again.
haha last day of holiday was spent in JB!
was a lazy lazy day with hours spent travelling, then eating. and shopping.
my family must have been the greatest winner since we bought the most things,with the most bags to carry!
and mummy bought shoes for me!yay!i love shoes but i dun really buy. dunno why.
and i think i should get shoes for mummy since she dun really shop nowadays:<
taking prelims results was not that nerve racking/recking?
i almost failed GP.
so liying and i are planning what to do in the future. hopefully our idea will work ans sell and then we will have money!then we can give our parents.
the park in the night is ever
Labels: mich
11:14 PM
Friday, September 5, 2008
3rd sept. wed.

3rd-4th sep. wed-thur

10:54 PM
Monday, September 1, 2008
BOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duno where.

hahaha just woke up!

i-scream. eye-scream.

plain jane. but nvm!


aunty aunty!!

haha i cannot bring me myself to do it.

at ly's house

what we bought.

living room v messy!

disgusting drink that made me shiver. 13 more days!!


bolster. pillow. bed. camouflage.

to PS. the next day.

wt. jo. ly. mich.

yummy even more.


i hate the rice.
walked from orchard-ps-bugis.
bought a jacket, a shirt, a shorts and a dress.
ice cream. juice.
spent $90plus :(
my ice cream box is feeling very hungry.
at least i still have a $15 deposit with my maid. hahahahaa yea.
at bugis, we met a promoter. didnt know how to say no to them thus we bought their product.
but they are really nice people. laughed a lot with them. and we spent another $55.
okayyyyy. money money money. i just want to remind myself not to spend so much!!!!!!
then mich stayed over at my house.
we couldn't sleep well the whole night. kept taking turns to wake up.
1st sep
then met josephine and wee teng at PS. was feeling REALLY REALLY hungry. all of us. walked and complained all the way till 245pm. the sakae buffet starts at 3pm. haha. we are the early birds.
after that we walked to bugis.
then jo, wt and ly went to tpy.
watched the last ep of that show. hahahahaha.
a cockroach bid farewell to us.
my brother failed 4 subjects. and my dad was really angry that day. he switched off all the lights in my living room and told my brother not to on it till he had decide that he wants to study. 5mins later, my brother went and on back the lights. but he kept switching on the wrong lights till my dad was even angrier, saying this is his house but till now he dun even know which switch is for which light, super funny-to me! cus there are many lights in the living room. altogether 10 switches to control all of them. hahahaa, acually till now my sister and i also duno which switch is for which. we have to keep trying!
switch which switch which which switch
HAHAHA. mich. i saw that. i laughed at what you said. especially the last sentence.
only you deserved the best.
MOOD: okayy okayyyyy.
11:53 PM