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Friday, August 29, 2008

not nice to eat! eat till my tongue very pain. haha.

28th august
the last day of prelims. yay!!

going to do very badly this time. haha duno why i say this time afterall, my results were never considered good before. went to tmart with kenny, sandy and jeffrey. i ate mango ice! eat till very messy. but its not my fault. is the ice's fault. melt too fast for me! the mango ice very disgusting!! got the white colour transparent thing with one black dot in the middle. it looks like tadpole's eggs. YUCKS. took most of it out. i cannot stand the sight of many small and round things together.

yum yum yum

sandy's happy honeydew sago.

then send kenny back to school and we went tmall. i almost died while crossing the road. haha the motorcycle was coming towards us and sandy told me not to cross. but i suddenly just ran across. then jeffrey clapped his hands two times and said 'go' to me! and i straight away go. haha i feel like a dog! (talk till very messy! but nvm its for me to remember) took 293. it was the non air-conditioned bus :) i prefer this type of bus. rather have the wind blowing against me than having the air con making me turn into ice. crossed another road and jeffrey scare me, making me run all the way back when i was aready halfway across the road. was laughing about it and when i turned around i was alone haha. very funny. jeffrey and sandy turned right already and i was still walking straight. (haha tly's grandma story that only she understands and finds it funny!) i laughed till my tears almost came out haha.

sandy and i went to have our hair cut($38) and we bought hoodie($29). the amount of money i have spend is like the amount of glitter that dropped off from our hoodie. haha. then we went to Mind cafe. ordered a lot of food and we have our free flow of drinks. the water chestnut drink suits its name. at least the front part of it. the WATER part. haha. spilled the rest of it on the floor ACCIDENTLY after drinking 3/4 of it. aiya why didnt i spill it earlier. we set up a game and didnt know how to play it so we changed the game =.= ...... to true colours!! haha.. what do your friends really think of you. then played im the boss.

jeff. why so happy. you see kenny so dao. stare at me till like that haha.

then nicholas and wei sheng came. we walked around PS.
killer smiles.
murderer laughters. hahahhaa.

got shocked by the chewing gum. pain pain pain!!
blue elmo. red elmo. red elmo smiling. red elmo smiling widely. red elmo with only one eyeball. then went back around 6/7plus.
bathed. and went out again.

met K at cityhall. saw liu jun, melissa and shu yun. they accompanied me to wait for K. and i saw sandy, jeffery and kenny again!! haha so qiao. watched a movie at suntec. scaryyyyyy. this is the first time i felt so scared while wathcing a horror movie. the images still cannot get out of my mind. although for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th part of the movie, my eyes were mostly closed. if the moie has a 5th part, i would probably have a heart attack and be in coma. if it had a 6th part, i would probably have a heart attack and die. haha CHOY. dun want anyhow talk. scary!! :(
then took 10 to parkway with K. met mich for awhile. haha, mich one day we will definitely get into BIG trouble!!! walked to ECP and stayed overnight there. around 4am plus, the wind was very strong and cold. estimation! both our HPs were flat. squashed by an elephant. i like that 'type' of wind although it was really very cold--to me. talked about some things and ..........

who are you. i dun even know you.
sdshwulyksm1, but wait.
rusuruevnlyk, dnbbyct. ydoundpp2lyku. duevncretteyrfelnrmisrale.
urdmcidihnimure. icntsatdnu and dnlyku2. ure1tspsnttisislyk, hnurd?
dslykasinREALLYdslyk. gwupplsspreatouht4oersidit.

its 113am now. can't get to sleep. slept too much today. my dad is beside me now. heard him coughing :( and he came out of his room to read the newspapers. cannot get to sleep like me?

its 29th aug today.
2 years back then, we were having our english prelims.
celebration for teachers day tml. so fast, it has been almost a year since.....


mood: i feel like punching you. but think again, nope not really. i dun hit people. i feel like scolding you but i wont do so, i seldom do that. what i really want to do, is to talk some sense into you. but dun really feel like giving it a try. because... just because.

what a long 'mood'. haha. maybe i should change the mood to what im thinking about now instead.


12:08 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008

my brother just said my face shape looking more like a guy.
ask me to cut a boy's hairstyle.

i haven sleep for the past 37 hours.
later sleeping till morning need go school gain.

cycling 2hrs+ volleyball 6 7 hours under hothot sun for last two days.
cycling that time raining smr.
my skin colour turning to be able to play chess game?
half black half white.
half of my arms white and half black.
legs 3/4 black 1/4 white.
face whole thing black.
die already.
face burning!

i am tired. but not so also. and i experience something i never try before!:D
and i sat mini pirate ship and i also want scream.

life is full of uncertainties.
never make a promise.
i womt make a promise anymore.

had hongkong food, fake "highclass" haha. just wanted to eat at a place where people will serve us.
then had morning breakfast of kayabread, 2 eggs and a drink.
and now a pandan bread that is not nice to eat.
i am drying up soon!
my faceeeeeeee!!!
9 snakes. 2 fighting snakes.

blogger stil sth wrong. i canot even change font colour.
backache, legs ache and hand ache.
stomach fluctuates in size.
love never waver.?

michmichmich i ned to slp slp slp

9:33 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008

there's maths paper 2 tml.
I'm not ready for it. but who cares. i studied so much for phys. in the end, paper 1, 2 and 3 all also gone case. very irritating!!
doing paper one in the hall today was like taking the exam in Antarctica. freezing. i completed the paper very fast, was just guessing my way through.

i was thinking, he might do things behind her back because he do not want her to get hurt. afraid to tell the truth. because he cares about her and don't want her to feel sad.
but if he really cares about her, then why did he do the the things behind her back that might hurt her?
can't he imagine how will the girl feels if she found out what he did.
she might be even more hurt. and lose trust in him.
whywhywhy? weird.

upS and downS.
somewhere in the middle now.

mood: bored



11:58 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2008

你怎麼捨得我難過 - 黃品源 曲︰黃品源 詞︰黃品源 編︰黃品源



重唱 *,#,+,+

yay found the song!
and yay to two more days of studying!today and tomorrow and exams will be over!
then boo to the days nearing of getting the result.
physics confirm G.C
maths 60% fail 40% pass for paper 1.
and econs case study also die cos so many things never learn.

then to everyone horror, next week again got maths, econs and physics again.
ahh never get tortured for so long. never study so many weeks before.

mich the fruitips:D

cannot wait to go sentosa and play and play and playyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!

4:41 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008

到底愛我不愛 - 李茂山 曲︰日本曲 詞︰狄珊
不願理睬啊 也該把口開
我要你對我說句真話 你到底愛我不愛
除非你是假裝癡呆 不顧我對你情深似海
情深似海啊 請你把口開
我要你對我說句真話 你到底愛我不愛

依依不捨 - 張信哲 曲︰殷文琦 詞︰劉虞瑞
我答應妳再也不會 打擾妳的生活
我答應妳再也不會 為妳多喝一杯酒
我答應妳從今以後 我們都還是好朋友
妳怎麼說我怎麼做 這樣子夠不夠
*妳看不到我的雙手 在痛苦的顫抖
妳聽不到我的內心 碎得我都不敢碰
妳想不到我的沉默 壓抑著多少話要說
愛不能有淚不能流 妳教我這種日子怎麼過
#捨不得妳 所以才會騙了妳也騙自己
其實我也知道只是我 沒勇氣面對問題
捨不得妳 雖然明知我的愛妳不珍惜 有些事情誰都說不出原因

愛情餘味 - 張信哲 曲︰劉天健 詞︰李焯雄
往前開下去 很快就到轉角你的家
一路都在找 卻想不出還能說什麼話
但雨點落在玻璃上 拼命打 沉默更顯得可怕
在十字路口 紅燈亮起我們要停下
你手機響了 你不說話只用笑來回答
你心裡只有 愛著你想著你的他
讓我覺得 說愛你 說恨你
不過是 多餘的話
*我愛你的心 你怎麼能忍心都敲碎
給你的安慰 難道只是我的一場誤會
告訴我吧 我無所謂 
流過的眼淚 緊緊的依偎 
#你愛過的心 我要怎樣才能喚得回
愛情的餘味 原來只是我的一場誤會
你都收回 我無所謂 
所有的傷悲 由我來面對
在十字路口 紅燈亮起愛情要停下
什麼都沒說 但你笑容洩漏你的選擇
你心裡只有 愛著你想著你的他
讓我覺得 說愛你 說恨你
不過是 多餘的話
重唱 *,#
在十字路口 紅燈亮起愛情要停下
什麼都沒說 但是沉默洩漏你的選擇
我們的過去 忘了嗎 忘了吧 再聽不到 再看不到 你牽掛

深愛著你 - 陳百強 曲︰林哲司 詞︰林敏聰
*你說過愛在這一生裡 有過快樂與心碎
你說過愛在我的身邊 悄悄看我熟睡
聽說你在這刻想我 聽說你在記起我
我也記著每刻往事 也記掛你在哪兒
#時日如飛 今天在我心裡 是充滿不褪的記憶
時日如飛 我似呆在這地
任一天天過去 任一生飄過去 任一切飄去再沒法追
+心中想你 如今想你 懷念昨天的你
懷念著你 懷念著你 紅著淚眼在記起
心中想你 如今想你 懷念昨天的一切 懷念著你 懷念著你 流著淚自覺得深愛著你

純真的心不變 - 周華健 曲︰山下達郎 詞︰姚若龍 編︰DONALD ASHLEY
我站在鏡子前 看自己是不是
就從這幾個月 我開始會失眠
似乎一切都會 隨時間而改變
*純真的心不變 這是給妳也給我自己的誓言
我要永遠保有妳最愛我的那一點 〔
純真的心不會變〕 外面的世界有 太多的是是非非
只有在妳面前 才能像孩子般
無須隱藏感覺堅持 重唱 *
世界怎麼變 歲月怎麼變
重唱 *,*

i cannot find the song i want. but there are so songs out there. telling you, how is it like to pin a love for someone who dont care.
if you are the someone who dun care, how much do you know you are hurting others.
someone will hurt you back one day.
but love is so unfair.

i want change some of the lyrics but i scared i get sued..haha.
feel like exam ended, but its only cos today got no exams for me today. since yest very relax, till now i feel heavy and relax also. anyway, prelims like gonecase.


8:45 AM
Sunday, August 17, 2008


3:40 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008

yay, 4h16mins to complete the intergration notes only. at least i completed the notes.
haha running against the time now?
i realise, the hours really pass by super fast.
had a small chat with bao and sihui too, i feel very relax despite my anxiousness.
haha contradiction.
that day i saw a smoker carrying a bag, "fitness first".
all around is contradiction.

today the sky seems white. cos too many clouds already.
i like the weather.
hahahaha the radio just say, the taller a guy, the bigger his that thing is. haha never hear before. funny!

ok! racing the time again!got to bathe, pack lala!

learn to love my life.mich

5:16 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008

just yesterday, i learn so much.
today, i learn even more.
i duno. i used to think i got many problems to think about and i am very sad.
my mum told me just now that my face looks very worried and i not kai lang anymore? i think i realized that too.
i feel so selfish. i am so lucky already, yet i am still so greedy.

but today, yesterday, i think i face the biggest problem i even met. the biggest wave that sweep me away. but, this wave is of a higher height for others. and i should feel lucky. yes to say i am lucky, i am selfish yet again.

i got the urge to be all good, to treat everyone good, cos behind the scenes, many things are actually happening to them but we dont know. but i dun think i can be good cos i am selfish.

i live a normal life, not much ups or down. i always create problems for myself to think. thats why got black face.

i am sorry i dint keep my promise. i feel dumb and immature.
i am sorry to make you feel like you arent good enough.
the biggest loser is me, cos i dint realize how lucky am i.
now i know, and hopefully i will remember that before i get sweep away by mini waves.


10:01 PM
Saturday, August 9, 2008

you can't blame me for not believing in it.
i tried to.
but all it did was to make things worse.
if this time this thing goes wrong again.
i might never believe in it anymore
am i thinking too much.
maybe things are really okay.
but somehow i feel something is wrong.
something is different.
and i know what exactly is it.
some may take it for granted. some may treasure it.
i dun want a repeat of the past.
i feel like saying out how i feel.
i feel like asking you many things.
but i dun want to make you feel worse.
i know you are feeling rather troubled over some things too.
that's not the way it should goes, i know.
i always go to a extent to things for the other one. out of my range. i changed things and plans all for it. but i always get the same result. is this my fate. or am i just too lousy for all of them.
the past experiences are still deep in my mind. can't get it out.
it has already became a phobia.
I'm afraid to do things, afraid to ask. because I'm scared of rejection. scared of feeling hurt.
anyway, i doubt anyone knows what I'm talking about. because i don't want them to know. and no one will understand anyway.
because i keep many things to myself. i don;t have the habit of saying things out.
things that i say out are those that make me sad and worried.
and things that i don't say out are those that can break me to pieces.
i thought i would be happier.
you brought me and led me away from one.
and what i thought was once impossible became a reality.
i cleared my mind and believed i will be happy. and i was.
but after some reassurance, i know WAS will soon be back to AM.
now i tell myself that this 'rain' will be over soon
and the sun will shine once again.
show me the rainbow, will you?

i want to cycle :(
i don't want to study.
whats the point of studying anyway.
its just a waste of time.
why can't one enjoys life the way he/she wants.


11:45 PM

yay!at p house now!

some pictures taken long ago! at minds cafe and stuff. i duno how use lap top so i cant make the photos in order.not i lousy, is the laptop!haha

i like a

i like b

i like c

i like d

i like e

i like f

i like g

i like h

i like i

i like j

i like k

i like l

i like m

i like n

i like o

i love p

i like q

i like r

i like s

i like t

i like u

i like v

i like w

i like x

i like y

i like z.

5:29 PM

omg. wanted to blog the ndp photos.. but this create post page only got enclosures above!!!how to put pictures!!!!!!!:< the 108 photos just have to wait then

happy birthday singapore!!!!!!



8:46 AM
Sunday, August 3, 2008


many many many things happened.
too many till i cannot remember,
so i shall no talk about it.

was planning to study at tpy library. i wanted to get out of my house cus all i was doing at home was eating and sleeping. reached tpy library at 3plus, was about to start studying when mich messaged me. there's one extra ticket for the ndp rehearsal. so i wore my GREEN jacket, brought along my very heavy bag with all my chem notes and books inside and went to meet Mich, Mich's mum and grandmamama.
we walked from raffles to city hall. because of _____ haha. (Mich, i shall not say it out later you irritated again.)
the sun was shining super brightly.
i almost died with my jacket, my 1000kg bag and the goody bag! yay! that's the only thing i dun mind carrying. :)
once we settled down, the first thing i did was to eat the bread haha. i felt like a pig plus an auntie! ate and drank everything inside leaving one packet of green tea only. hahaha.
the rest of the performance was rather 00hhkkkayyy, my mind kept drifting away. only the fireworks can keep me entertained. very nice! especially at the end, i felt like the fireworks were coming nearer and nearer to me. almost got disfigured!
then we went to marina square to shop while Mich's mum and grandmamama ate in the food court. so many things to buy so little money to spend. i shall rob a bank soon( ha ha joking only! i scared somebody call the police, i don't want to to go to jail and eat the five finger bread. is it five finger bread? i forgot what is it called. i think its because there's too many mouth to feed int he prison and in order to save time, they put the jam/butter/whatever on the bread with their five fingers?? aiya cannot really remember. haha i duno if is it like that. maybe its wrong!! hope nobody sue me for wrong information provided. hahahaha. cus i really dun want to go to jail) yeaaaa one whole cycle.
bought something that i hope i wont regret in future.

and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,
its monday tml. i hate hate hate monday!! :(
and i HAVE NOT been studying
AND perlims is in 2 weeks time.

Mich! upload the pics i took with my amazing photographing skills!! :)

ly loves you! haha.

because you are the one

that brightens up my life
that makes me feel like this

9:48 PM
that's us.

Even though the tides may fall. Even though the grass will wilt. Even though we will die. we will always be friends forever.. tan li ying AND michelle cheng

talk about our days.

our loves.

zhi wei
shi xuan
alice chua
norin chua
wee teng
liang hao
lee kiang
liu jun
pin yi
jun khiang
yu xi

our stories.

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

life is all about music.


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