Friday, July 25, 2008
10mins break from econs now:D
going to fall asleep le.. haha
these few days keep raining, even at home also very cold.
need a boy robot which will give out heat then got warm warm feeling!
haha.. road run 3km all the girls run past me. in front got ice cream eat meh? run so fast!haha but i feel like dying so maybe is i the one who dun want eat ice cream. lalala..
ready one week passed since last friday. shopping day. this friday become study day. really prefer shopping!
i got 4 more mins to blog!haha..
full moon. pull up. blackheads.
9:45 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

today was the college road run. started off with Kenny's FATHER giving me a lift. not Kenny. hahahaha. but thanks anyway :)
we walked along the beach. at first the weather was okay, but the next time i looked up, the sea looks especially green. with the dark clouds in the sky.
the wind grew stronger and colder.
after awhile, Jeffrey and Sandy came. the weather made me feel very happy! and sad at the same time. because its the 'hugging people' weather. haha.
then it started to rain. we seeked shelter at the Lagoon Hawker Centre and played CaiQuan. I'm the expert. hahahhaha. Jeffrey kept winning! unfairrrr.
for the roadRUN, we WALKED a distance of 3km. i felt super cold at first because we were in the rain for almost the whole time.
urgh. there's phys test this friday and econs test this Saturday!! haven't start learning for it yet.
i dun want to face a dark cloud.
cus it will make me become an even darker cloud
which will start to pour,
resulting in a thunderstorm.
mood: confused?
there's a question mark because I'm confused!
cus we belong to you and me :)
11:33 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
very angry very angry so must blog! the stupid tianwu in the vb show!
he dun even look drunk he say he under influence of alcohol?!!!make the girl see him and rainie in bed?!!!!ANGRY ANGRY.make me feel very not happy and got a unsettling feeling.make me dun want get married cos later my husband also sleep with other girlsssssssssssssss women!
lucky the girl very brave and strong character and dump him!!!!!
still feel not happy. cannot study!!! ahh road run tomorrow.. under pressure:0
seems like quite a few people feeling super sad nowadays..hmm..a lit sunshine and cheerful clothes might help!!
10:02 PM
Sunday, July 20, 2008
yay!! i finally managed to climb over 3/4 of that wallthere's a sudden sharp pain in my ankle at that time or i would have climbed over it by now! i think. my arms are aching now with my 7 blue blacks. haha.especially my left arm. i cannot raise it up too high. painnnnnnn. i didn't know that the tennis gate will rebound back so i went to kick it and the whole gate immediately came crashing back into my arm. too fast for me to react.Saturday.went out with k, watched dark knight. the movie was very long and draggy.felt super restless at the near end of the movie thus i kept stretching. I cannot sit still for long periods of time. by the time the movie ended it was already 1150pm?? we walked back from tpy and reached home at 12plus. TIRED. fell asleep immediately after k reached home. happy CHINESE bdae. hahaha.and the moon was very bright and round! today is my grandma's bdae. my family and i went to my aunt's house for buffet. i ate 2 pieces of chocolate cake! YUM. talked to some of my other cousins and i kept exploring around their room. haha secrets secrets! in the end, found nothing but earned myself a name --- itchy hand. stupiddddd.went home early with my sister, brother and maid first. while walking, i talked to my maid. she was telling me when we were young we often taught her Chinese. then i suddenly remembered. the image just suddenly came back into my mind. my brother will always teach her the wrong Chinese words. tongue is suppose to be she tou. but he will always tell her its tongue-er. and then he will laugh. i miss the past.
dun change. be good. and listen to us.i hope i can trust you. dun hurt me or anything, please.tlymood: duno.
11:09 PM
haha i am hysterical.
i duno whats the meaning of that, i think i know but i duno also.
with the change in seasons in my two eyes, so quickly.
its hard to predict when the floods are coming, when the water has dried up.
one moment, i feel so sad, the next moment(ok several hours later, i sad v long) i very happy, then from then on i remain positive, and then several hours gain i not happy again.
i dun like to be unhappy at night, because the night is so long. and u end up not sleeping.well.
hate the times where i lie in my bed for so many hours, and yet i am sleeping, but also not. like i will be asking myself, did i sleep?
so i am unhappy now, so i will type unhappy and nasty things.
i am really nasty nasty now. i cannot help it. i must hurt a person more so i wouldnt feel so hurt.
i shouldnt have talk to you again, we were ok ready, after so long. post deleted from here
too nasty, too hurting.
you said you are dead.
i think i am worse.
michelle cheng man yun. my whole name to the whole world.
12:17 AM
Friday, July 18, 2008
so fast, yet another shopping day, this time with liying and baoling!
baoling bought many many things today:D
i bought a tank and a vintage top!
and liying still cant find her hoodie!haha..
and i really liked the vintage sunglasses.. cost $199? HMM..
so long never blog, but like nothing exciting happen leh.
today something exciting happen though. "exciting"
one time lucky enough, two times is tough luck.
i talking to myself now. haha..
think i am feeling numb now. i want to work in num.
then i everyone seeeeee handsome macho guys.
but they wont see me.
then that is good cos i dun like people to see me.
so i see them i happy.
giddy head with eyes so dry,its time to say goodbye, goodnight!michelle, the one and only. michelle has no pural. so michelle is she comes as one.not two. not a couple.never meant to be two.:D
11:02 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
HELLO!!!!!!!!!went to Bugis today with mich. I'm in the mood to spurge. but too bad nothing caught my eye. those things that caught my eye are wayyyyyyy out of my the end i spent most of my $ on food :( and a pair of shoes.duno why i bought the shoes. i don't have much interest in shoes. dun understand why mich and my sister like them so much. haha.i felt SUPER guilty today!!I'm supposed to go to my godfather's house to take the graduation photo with my cousin but because i went out thus unable to do so. felt really bad. oh well...... ahhand i think its raining now?(yup. confirm. its raining)haha just now i was logging into blogger. i type the log in user name as my nric number. think i log into too much already.watched incredible tales just now but my eyes were not looking at the TV half of the timeAND i bought CLEO to read :) yea. finally bought it after deciding for so long. i dun like to spend money on myself i rather buy things for others then i wont feel so heartache.ANDi just send in some parts of my SGC to verify. hope the teachers wont think I'm telling lies. haha. dieeeee. AND ANDITS MONDAY TML. Monday blues. Monday light blue, dark blue, sky blue, baby blue. urgh. really dun feel like going school tml. STRONG STRONG FEELING.AND AND ANDI'mtlymy mood now ismood: fullis full a mood?nope. i dun think so buti just ate half an egg tart and a donut!from Cleo.LIBRAno matter how busy or confused you are, grab the exciting romance on offer-if you push it back, you'll have to wait ages to be this lucky again!must i grab the chance now? what if i wait. will everything be gone then? i have 2 blankets, 2 pillows and 1 bolster. there's going to be not enough space on my bed for me soon. i need a bigger bed!its raining. its falling. the old man is snoring. he went to bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the mornnnnning
10:45 PM
another same item bought by liying and michelle!!shoes/loafers to wear for school!
haha and my head+hair look like bowling bowl or bomb more?
ok end of blog! another relaxing day for me
the books just got to wait..
mich mich mich
mood: relax hot and itchy haha
10:23 PM
Saturday, July 12, 2008
to you:
i know you have been reading my blog, and i want to tell you i am really sorry for hurting you and your relationship. i know you definitely would like to box me up or curse me till i die, cos if i were you, i will do that. sorry. i never wanted to be a bitch a slut or whatsoever. i cant tell you sorry personally cos i got no idea how to find you, and i am afraid to face you too. i duno whether what i say is what you feeling or is it correct or not, but i know you are really sad. thinking what is this bitch doing here.
i dont think you will feel any better reading this, but i am telling you that i will keep my distance away from him, at least for now. you deserve to be treated right.. he is very concern about you still, so dont be sad.. he will be there for you
really very very sorry. and the fact that i post this out means i will be keeping my word.
10:10 PM
Friday, July 11, 2008
(i return three rings) kept for memory.
11:22 PM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
stayed back after school with mich yesterday to watch the soccer match.
from 5 plus to 7plus.
the final score is 4-1 if im not wrong. and K scored 2 goals (i know you very happy especially with your FREE KICK =.=)
i treated mich ice lemon tea. but one day, she will have to treat me back.
ONE FINE DAY, when i feel very thirsty and have no money with me!
hahahahhaha. and she still owe me $1.
took 21 home yesterday, a smelly man sat beside me and his elbows very irritating keep poking me.
and i saw him today morning again. haha so coincidental. but i realised today morning that maybe he suffered from mental illness? or is it i think too much.
but his actions super weird. and he was wearing the same shirt as what he wore yesterday.
i was sleeping at the back of the bus by the window and he woke me up. at first i thought he left something on the seat that's why he came back for it. but suddenly he was squeezing into the corner of the seat. there's already 6 people sitting there already, can't he tell that there's no more space? and he go squeeze beside me till i no space! felt funny so i changed seat after awhile.
been watching TV all the way from 7 to 11! DISTRACTING. i cannot concentrate on my chem :( there's another test tml.
dun take it for real. because i dun mean it.
that's just me.
haha and it made me smile
MOOD: 1/4 happy. 1/4 confused. 1/4 insecure. 1/4 MIXED of everything I'm feeling now but i duno what.
11:21 PM
400th post!anyone of you run and then halfway confirm(90%) will stomach pain one? i will!once i run against the wind too long my stomach pain:<just run with my two brothers for the first time in my 18 years hahaand pain pain pain!but feel good!afternoon was spend in minds cafe;D alot alot fun games that i never see before at all la.. then on bus way home got one man keep looking at my legs. so ugly legs also want see? and the bus broke down haha was excited to get complimentary ticket but i talk to the uncle and forgot to take ticket ok!time to study for phys test! i haven read anything today yet:/ and econs proj is finally completed!a post just for me to remember:Dmich
9:15 PM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
yup starting on a happy note, today is a fulfilling day for my stomach.
had lunch at square 2
pasta@waruku! we get to eat good food because its my brother's birthday today! o6.07.08! the time now is 1200am so my brother day is over soon! and i can scold him again! haha.. finally get to eat baked rice that i crave for so long, had fish cod roe with potato baked rice, yummy and super cheesy! who want treat me next time then can go there eat again!
haha.. then was icecream at mingles. then off to my grandma house to have family gathering. no cake for my brother, only 24 donuts!
"photoshoot" with liying for the afternoon, haha wearing a dress makes me feel so out of place and the best way to enjoy is to take photos at a park. but there alot people too, but we didnt care haha.. crazily chasing after birds, and ants for liying too. then meet pine, and watched hancock. haha i think the show is good cos it got a surprising twist. but i think i was too bothered with the stupid chair handle. cant stay up the whole night and i actually slept 3hours while pine did nothing haha.. got a funny man keep staring and staring at us for an hour plus.. he started staring when i was asleep. so we walk away! and he followed a little while. must be we two look very macho!!
sat 163 home from tpy all the way to sengkang, then from sengkang intercahnge sit 163 gain to my home just so i wouldnt reach home too early. haha..
then at 5pm meet up with ly n yuxi and ended up at centrepoint for a long long time!bought willy wonka sweet that is so so sour, i trick my mama to eat and she so so awwwwfullll.. haha.. y brother was squinching his face as he pop one into his mouth. yumyum.
and yuxi began talking to us ;> and we talked too. haha.. then off to meet p back home!
p is for pi sai!haha!
11:58 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
4/5th july 08(remember) to write it in my diary.
mich and pineapple tart
i look very ugly especially at 5am plus. haha so no choice but to cover!!

michelle owe me $1!!!!!!!!!!

10:28 PM
took many photos with berlin's cam haha but my old com cant accept any memory card:<
2:14 PM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
hahaha i just started revising physics then here i am!
yes yes yes dont need to have love to feel happy! i am very happy today!
today in econs class my back very itchy, i thought got butterfly or some insect.
in the end is baoling's pencil poking me.
then she keep laughing or perhaps, suppressing her laughter.
then i remember i saw other people also laugh. ms tan ask me what happen also why i keep fidgeting.
suddenly miss tan come very close to me and keep look or stare at something near me, duno her.
then after econs lesson ready to go maths lecture then some boy come tell me got something paste behind me! the note read: THE BAG BELOW IS MY BUTT. haha. luckily i never go into the maths lecture with that note still behind la. everyone in class dont want tell me! until stranger tell me! lucky i skin thick, dont feel paiseh
yay yay today was biscuits day, eat 30 pieces of biscuits, different flavours! cos i got no money to spend! who want to donate me food?
but after that. i got to eat sushi! and mi fen! and choc! lallalaa..
father abraham had seven children, some of them are tall and some of then are short....... this is my favouriite song for todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok go study physics thermal now! study at least wont fail as much!!
michie richie rich
Labels: woollaala
10:42 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
haha MICH we dun need to be in love to be happy and we dun need to be in love to smile brightly and laugh out loud. BUT of course it helps too. and actually it does helps to a large extent. okay i duno what i talking.dumdididum.Played badminton during pe today. i tried to block jeffrey from hitting the shuttlecock. i want to hit it first! but i failed. guess his reaction was too fast(haha jeff. you know why i praise u? because i dun feel like saying my own reaction slow. HAHAHA)then keith go wipe his sweat on me. and his sweat fly on my lips. yucks yucks yucks. i havnt take my revenge!! cus he ran away too fast (i dun feel like saying that i run slow again) but at least i caught him one time! then slept on bus. ate at home. slept on my bed. and woke up at tv tv all the way. haha watched the channel 8, 9pm show. the guy abit retarded but nvm at least it made me laughed!tlymood: happy and fat!dun give me pressure. pressure pressure go away :(
10:44 PM