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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

yipeeee! my internet connection is finally working :)
mich i very lazy post pictures!! next time then i post the rest k?
Saturday! (overnight at vivo)
went out with mich to the 'SALE'. haha. walked through the whole thing within minutes then we went to eat. dumplings. yumi yogurt. and what ah. cannot remember. and SO we walked walked walked alllllllllLLLL the way from 3pm to 9pm.(suntec and marina square) then she went to meet P and i went to meet I. from 9pm to 3am+ at vivo. then went back to meet mich at harbour front mac at 3am+. we ate again. then went back at 820am. felt very tired.
lazy to blog. lazy to post pics. lazy to do anything.
many things happen! :) felt happy.
but I suddenly felt very confused again after seeing and thinking about some things. WHY WHY WHY?

11:30 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008

cafe cartel day on friday.
first time people serve us complimentary food cos they made us wait!
and the soup they serve i think is nicer than the fish burger we ordered as the main course
roamed about at city hall and marina

saturday was going out day:D
econs test in the morning made me feel like real mugger:<

why did all the things i type lost and my pic cant be displayed.
fed up.


10:55 PM
Thursday, April 24, 2008

its a sweet sweet night
my bolster is so nice
the cold breeze rustle noisly
and smses cant stop coming
feel like smiling so much
and wonder whats so funny!

yay yay yay yay yay yay yay

Nm/ms-1= N/s-1=Ns
rate of N = NS-1* S
force= NE/c
still dun understand how form the equation:<

di dum di dum dum tu tu tuition


9:39 PM
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

07s12 celebrated Ian's birthday in school today. The cake that jeffrey chose was very nice to eat!(or is it because i felt hungry? haha) yummy! played with it too. As a result my uniform became super dirty!! went to the toliet and washed the cake off my face and saw michelle inside the toliet! haha hello mich. =.=

Went to buy the cake with kenny and jeffrey yesterday at Siglap. Since it was so near to my Grandma's house thus i went there to stay. I felt really relaxed over there. It somehow reminded me of the days when i was in primary school. I used to stay overnight at her house. Ate, tv-ed, day dreamed, messaged. just these simple things can make me happy. :)
Watched mtv all the way till 1plus, said good night to the pig(haha) and went to sleep.
sleep sleep sleep zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz.
At 4plus, i felt a mini earthquake. thus i woke up and realised that the duno how many kg dog(angel) was walking about on the bed. urgh. and she was staring at me while i slept. haha so i flipped over to my right side to avoid her stare and i saw the other dog sleeping beside me. scare me! haha but very sweet :)

i didnt really feel like blogging at first. because my english is so darn lousy.

anyway its 11.18pm now. and im supposed to sleep at 11pm!
so byebye!

off to play DS.

mood: dreading the lesson

11:03 PM

haha i 've got no clubbing photos
no sheesha-ing photos
even boring faces of mine(and liying!haha) oso dun have.
there goes to show how much fun i 've got this whole week!:> not that i club or sheesha la la..

i think go school and waste time better than stay at home and waste time after i compared yesterday and today. yesterday took mc and stayed home and rotted. today go school only rot halfway.

feel very sleepy and goin off to bed soon!!after stuffing peanuts, mnms, dinner and medicine down my throat!i am ready to sleep!!!

and thanks craig for the things you gave once again!:>

in the night, there's always so many things to think about.
but somehow, all i could think about is you.

10:31 PM
Monday, April 21, 2008


god this has got to be the worse few days of mine.
saturday spent 3/4 of the day and being like the grumpiest and moodiest girl ever, really sorry to rica violet and baoling for tolerating the emo mich. :/
felt really bad for raising my voice, duno what has got into my nerves. i think i got into my own nerves. grr...

sunday was better with the longjohnmeal at night, though i still wasnt really talking and all.
and i told myself i will be a happy girl. AHAH like real.

and then today, monday. the bluest day ever. i thought sat was the grumpiest day ever and here comes today. i think i kept complaining and whining.. cant stand myself lest others.
the weather was so freaking hot, no idea why i kept perspiring or perhaps should be sweating since i m sucha pig these days. and my stomach cant just stop hurting despite the panadols.:<
even in blog i also want complain! i am the complain queen for today!whining and whining.
ran for the bus with baoling and i cant bring myself to run.. faileddddddd
mummy was asking me if i need to see a doctor cos i looked sick but i ignored her cos i was secretly angry at her for not duplicating keys for me. she has no idea why i am behaving so rudely... booo...

byebye grumpy mich.
byebye tired mich.
welcome happier mich.
welcome friendly mich.


7:34 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008

what a loser.
seriously i cannot stand myself sometimes. This is the second time this year since i felt like that.
what are friends? friends do not make use of one another. and actually care for them. just like how you treat me today. although i duno isit more then that.but really really thanks alot for whatever that you did today. and sorry too.
well.felt so darn 'sad' and lousy that i walked away very fast when you were behind me. so long didnt walkaway like that ready! you the 2ndperson LEH. fortunate? haha joking la. lucky u very good! never dun care me :(
two 21 and 59 past by and finally took the next 21 and went to find michelle. just felt like finding her. because she's the only one who knows everything that is going on. and i really need something to distract me real bad. so told her some. IT's just part of it.but i felt a whole lot better ready.
i seldomcopen up to people. thats why i still didnt say everything out in the end. told her about more then half i think. the rest i shall just bury it away away DOWN AND DEEP UNDER.
felt i was very irriating keep popping out and finding mich out of a sudden thus i felt guitly thats why i TREATED you. you think i really so crazy till got mood to want to treat people MEH. haha. just wanted to thank you.YAYAYAYA, u got this part correct la.dun read my mind please haha.

anyway felt better now! thanks mich and isotope. really! just the 2 of you.

feel funny. this the first time i reallyblog about what i truely truely feel.
fresh start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you stupid pig please go away!
i really tried the other time and almost succeded. why did you come and find me back again.
this time even if you tried
i swear. ok not swear. its too strong a word.
i WILL push you away.


tly mood: depressesed

i at mich house now! dun feel like going home today. but i have to reach home at 9am tml!! to go to the bank! then complete all myhomework including gp. sunday tution and my two tests and gpproject. and monday drained.

i shall be fine.
dun need you anyway. theres no you in the past. and its not as if you really care.

10:24 PM
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

mich is sad cos she cannot do maths:<
first time i felt this stress when i doing tutorials.

i need something happy!!!!!


9:50 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008

feel super weird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9:47 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2008

smack smack


HAHAHAHAHAHA. very funny!!

the yucky man digging nose!!

all cleared up! yum.

big strawberry head and small strawberry dessert


mich at number 14
ly at number 33

mich: 10pm good night
tly: 10.16pm HELLO!!
haha. ate alot today. after reaching home ate my dinner :(
thought after buffet we are supposed to be full?
come i can still eat faster and more then my father??!
irriating irriating irriating
walked around with jo and wt after mich went for her ah gong's birthday
then we drank BUBBLE TEA and walk walk walk. laugh laugh laugh. talk talk talk.

10:16 PM
that's us.

Even though the tides may fall. Even though the grass will wilt. Even though we will die. we will always be friends forever.. tan li ying AND michelle cheng

talk about our days.

our loves.

zhi wei
shi xuan
alice chua
norin chua
wee teng
liang hao
lee kiang
liu jun
pin yi
jun khiang
yu xi

our stories.

July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

life is all about music.


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