Wednesday, February 27, 2008
today was a tiring day. took the high jump mattress to use it for our game and got scolded by the teacher in the end. spent the time after interact to carry many pails of water around to clean up the mattress. we must have look very sporty carrying the mattress around in the stadium, in the middle of all the other on going sports cca. played 'kallang wave' with the mattress.
and we know how a rat feels like! followed derek and climbed into the drain following the pathway which is under the canteen all the way out to the vball court. try it it is fun! but you waist have to be 20inches just LIKE US. or u will get stuck. it was very dark and smelly inside the drain tunnel. mich 1st, ly 2nd, derek 3rd. in the end, our uniforms were blackkkkkkk and super dirty with cobwebs!
then went to bubbkle tea shop. green apple milk tea and strawberry milk tea. SLURPPPPPPP. and took cab home. MICH OWE TLY $2.40. now we at mich's house. staying overnight. just washed our clothes with the toothbrush and the toliet scrubber. and so our uniforms shall be very clean tml! :) its a must.
ate chocolates till our throat pain!
i want see him smile
tly and mich
mood: chocolate
11:43 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
to MICH: HAHA. how come i see your blog post i feel like its dedicated to me? are you HINTING me something? haha! feel like having long msn conversation with you through here.yup. i ate hello panda for the past few days continously ready haha. twice is he buy for me! haha. but i feel very guilty i dun want to waste people's money. better dun 'bet' anymore. i got secret to tell you tml. remember ask me or i will forget then you got no more tly's special secret to hear lo! MAI XIAOtoday during gp lesson was not so boring after all. HAHA. the teacher was feeling angry/irriated/crazy or duno whats wrong with her. scold and picked on so many things. tsk tsk. did my gp assignment for so long and she cut in halfway saying 'this is not an essay lecture lecture' lecture her head. anyway its even better this way because i dun have to present it. dun need to pronounce the difficult words haha. im in the mood to complain so i may not actually mean what i say. but where are you! you said that you will listen to all my complains/complaints sorry la my gp fail. liar cheaterbug. enormous pig you. going to work on wednesday after cca. last day of work!! wonder in the end will we be working or will we just be carrying our heavy files to school and then carry the heavy files back home again? had the econs test today. urgh. felt like i was writing rubbish, hope she wont scold me! my words were super messy same as my brain! cannot concentrate.
during maths today we did the group switching thing. i purposly ask edmund let me stay behind with pok quen because i thought pok quen will be the one teaching the rest and i can stay there extra. but in the end im the one teaching all. he only teach 1 question. unfairrrrrrrrrrr. but very funny.why did you come so near to me? is it to all. or is it just to me. hey :) if you are seeing this i hope you are feeling better or at least a little happier now? if there are any problems or you are suddenly on the verge of breaking down, come and find me anytime you want. just be true to yourself and don't give up no matter what!if you think its you that im talking about then yup its you.TLYMOOD: pandas are soon to be extinct. my stomach is getter bigger with it. HELP! RUBBISH MOODand i do not deserve the position that you 'gave' me
10:49 PM
haha liying, we not twins but cousins, how come you and me have hello panda strawberry flavour craving at the same time.. eat non stop for these few days.. but now i also like eat pocky!
buy for me buy for me buy for me buy for me!haha..
not only that.. our 08 year til now doesnt seems to have much differences..particuluarly in the erhem life..or maybe too much differences that we dun like it? haha i duno what i talking! i need helo panda!
liying, probably theres a person in this world who waits patiently for you to post a post.. someone out there who genuinely cares for you and wheneve he sees that a new post is posted by me.. he curses at me non stop? haha..
currently my mind my thoughts is whooooo like a 100% working washing machine.. turning and turning.. being that little more straightforward, direct seems to make a lot more people unhappy!aiya whateven i talks makes no sense.. even to myself..byebye!

and berlin, this photo is for u!
mood: spinning
Labels: whatever
8:09 PM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
haha. felt really really dumb that day. dumb till i really cannot stand myself. wondered why did i behaved that way and what was i thinking. planning to take the long route home that day, felt like breaking down but lucky someone messaged me and asked me. although i didnt say out whats bothering me but it really helped :) thanksthought it through too. have decided what to do for now but i duno if i can bring myself to do what i plan to do.and my sms bills are exploding EXPLODING. hope my mother dun scold me!! shall pay it with my own money :(heard alot of people problems recently. actually their problems all sums up to a few things. friends family studies love. these 4 are the main sectors in our lifes. but honestly i never thought that some people lifes could be so complicated. or maybe its because i never really gave it a deep thought. hope you all stay happy!! dun really know if i trust someone although that person is very nice to talk to. maybe just being good friends is enough for me :) feel like eating alot alot alot alot alot of HELLO PANDA these few days!! cannot control. ren ren ren!! played bball that day. till i sun burn. scare myself when i saw the mirror haha i thought what happened to my face. MICH WE MUST GO BACK TO OFFICE THIS WEEK!! or else say byebyebyebyebye to our pay.dunlikemecusithinkyouwillonlygethurtintheprocesssorrybutaiya!!confusingURGH I WANT TO BOX MYSELF..and if you want anything to happen you better do something fast!AHHHHHHHHHHH there's gp test at 5pm on tuesday. boring boring boring. tlymood: lalala floating
10:32 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
1) maths file
2) maths pnc
3) econs essay
4) econs project
5) sl
6) too lazy to do any of the above
haha feeling very stupid cos i felt very sad when i cannot find helo panda strawberry to eat! until i search for it then i happy
spoil my mood for blogging,used for the com less than 5 mins and my mama gone crazy my papa too
hate this house.
11:20 PM
After our cca today, shiya came to tpjc(TAMPINES) to find us. Played volleyball and soccer. And shiya blinded me with her powerful aim. haha. drank bubble tea again! slurpppppp. then we sat at the high jump mat and talked. lucky the 3 of us all different class or we sure alot of enemies! did sommersault and i kicked mich accidently! haha but its not my fault. 2 of them forced me to do it HAHA. stayed in school till 6plus then went back home. tired.doing econs just now. feel that i dun like that subject even more and more each day. dun want to hate it. I hate all the other subjects ready if it includes econs now, i can be toliet cleaner when i grow up lo :( got two new blueblacks today! one from the bus and one from vball. helloooo friends!lymood: OK
11:02 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
haha new year post! today is the 9th day of new year
this year only went for one day of visiting on the first day of new year!
first day of new year with mumi! hei-bai chey!
vegetarian abalone

vegetarian platter

small cousin blury head rushing to somewhere!

watch tv!

2nd day went to have lunch with my ah gong!haha he wore a shirt that look like small boy but its a little too tight, duno how he managed to breathe..but he's my incredible ah gong! going strong at 81 years old
yu sheng!
my elder brother
my mumi
my ah gong
my younger brother
got no picstures of me cos no one want to take a pic of me:( but got what i ate taken! unagi claypot rice..DELICIOUSSSSSSSSSSS

my father who smiled

ghostly jap waitress and my bro..hi shead there is to show the size of his head and the bowl of noodles
flower fishcake!



my brother is in shock. SIAO

HAHA i see this photo i wan laugh

he really loves to pose..


third day! went movie with primary schools friends:) xiuqi,red,winnie,jeremy,calvin,ken,dengyao
at nebo cafe
jeremy was really hungry
we went to wall of china!

haha my mother's mama. my ah mah!
she very happy cos after passing "5 dragons" her five cards added to 15?

uncle treated us dinner cos is his birthday.. my birthday duno i will want treat people not..hope i am rich! but y treat ar?

went fifth aunt house and at the end of the day, had photo taking session! 3rd uncle asks me if i have a boyfriend..i say NO..then my godpa asked me sit beside him and i am his gf! haha..
my fifth aunt knowing that jonathan(cousin) has a gf, she wants to make his gf jealous...
my bf now!hhaaha

but fifth aunt also want make his gf jealous! so she wanst be his gf too! she wore heels to match his height...laugh and laugh til every pic i took is blur.. or maybe camera really too lousy..ahhh my birthday is coming!

yay! less blur

even the mother also want be his gf! feed him lolipop!
hahaha he smiled the biggest when he took with me! i am the one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fifth aunt cannot stop laughing till she made ah mah augh with her whereas my 3rd aunty and mumi pose!

look at her! haha!

and the days go on! haha boring post but i make it less borin le! i nv post alot photos! family family family
last but not least my mama with her tights and stockings rolled halfway!(the right leg)

mood: happy!
Labels: hapi cny
11:28 PM
valentines day is overrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :) some NICE things happened. haha.
escaped from pe with mich and played with spiderman and its big blue bed. HAHA.
felt a little depressed after school today :(
BECAUSE ... ... .... ... ... .... ...
shall not say it here.
observed __ for a little while with am and mich today. hmm. good sign? haha! MICH IS IT? hopehope. ___ far away from ____. BUT __ me.
then went to tfsc. BULLIES. pinched me and hit my eye and almost break my neck.
as i was feeling depressed, i didn't really have much mood to play with them. felt a little guilty.
then went to meet shiya at far east with mich. we slept on the bus to far east, i felt very tired! and we keep bumping heads HAHA. become stupid? ate long johns for the 2nd time in a week. yum. then took neos. been sooooooooo long since we took one. haha lost the skills. took halfway suddenly my leg cramp. painnnn.


then we went window shopping. cus we got $0. or maybe i have $0. haha. :( sad. but at least i cheered up after awhile. followed shiya around to try clothes. drank bubble tea! reached home at 10plus. drained.
i wish i can read people mind. just some of them can do. or maybe just you in particular. some signs you showed are ___ but some are not. its making me messy.
maybe after sometime i will know. but for now i will just be myself and see how it goes. not going to do anything. just being myself. and u shall decide.
STUDY!!!!!!!!! try...
dun understand why whenever im in gp lesson ALL I WANT TO DO IS TO SLEEP. for the extra remedial today, miss ng was sitting directly infront of us. and my eyes were closing right in front of her. dumb eyes. OPEN please.
talked to derek today. realised that alot of people feel the same way about some things. people feelings are actually quite easy to understand if you really think about it carefully. or maybe its because i have experienced it before?
mood: confused.
mich. follow me to buy my lucky charm. buy with me! double the GOOD luck. and maybe you can then read my mind more :) yay!
then i dun need to talk so much ready.
11:08 PM
Sunday, February 10, 2008

mich. see what i told u. :( my face


father's side


thumbs up!


grandma's house

soooooooooo fast and new year is over! and theres school tml :(
dreading it.
went over to grandma's house today and played mah jong. laughed alot. haha i duno how to cut the tiles and keep taking the wrong number.
ate alottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt during chinese new year. 4 meals and alot of junk. haha. felt abit guilty! but keep telling myself its new year and so i ate even more.
i didn't really have the cny mood this year. i believe many people felt this way too. why why why? wen with some of my cousins and my sister to vivo on the 2nd day of new year. ate double decker ice cream yum yum.
yay. theres improvement i THINK till now. why is it when one is ok the other is not. or am i thinking too much...
well well. shall see how tml! at least one is ok for now.
MOOD: duno!
took out my extensions with ALOT of my real hair.
11:50 PM